Times are certainly tough. Don't be the organization, or professional that uses the "I just need to sell more" strategy. To be widely successful some adjustments may have to be made. The challenge is understanding how to use YOUR historical data to determine which adjustments to make. In order to grow your business it is imperative to learn how to reach the "right" people, at the "right" time, with the "right" message, and doing it in such a way that makes it easier for the prospect to say, "yes" than "no."
Here is a link to the animated version of the sales success formula: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZkvPRFOzXw
Format: 45-60 Minute virtual session
This program is perfect for:
- Sales Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Marketing Professionals
- Business Owners
The audience will leave with:
- A better ability for identifying which prospects to target
- A better ability for navigating difficult sales processes
- A better ability for understanding why they are coming up short with their sales goals
- Some free online assessment tools to help develop a better plan